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 “Even though we’re neighbors…there has not been an agreement,” she asked Meghan to confirm upfront. “You don’t know what I’m going to ask, and there is no subject that’s off-limits.”

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Still, even as a sworn Oprah-ist, I was impressed when, after exchanging some pleasantries, she opened the interview by questioning Meghan’s expectations of marrying into the House of Windsor. “You weren’t just marrying a family. You were marrying a 1,200-year-old institution. You’re marrying the monarchy. What did you think it was going to be like?” When Meghan replied that she entered into it naively, Oprah followed up: “If you’re going to marry a royal, you would do research about what that would mean….” Meghan maintains she didn’t Google her husband. Oprah established early on that she would not tiptoe around prickly, devil’s-advocate questions, the kind that critics would ask, including bringing up the couple’s deals with Netflix and Spotify.

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